Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Playing Goalie

I recently found inspiration from a gentleman named Randy Pausch. Maybe some of you have heard of him. He was a Computer Science professor at Carnegie Mellon University whose life was cut short due to pancreatic cancer. (Don't worry, this post isn't loaded with melancholy undertones. It's upbeat...keep reading). When doctors informed Mr Pausch that he only had a few months to live, he wrote & delivered a speech entitled: "The Last Lecture - Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams." I've posted the YouTube link to the lecture, but don't click on it now (it's over an hour long). Someone recommended I listen to it for it's powerful & positive message. And now that's why I'm recommending it to you.

The lecture made me acknowledge some of the goals I've been harboring, which in turn, led me to construct yet another to-do-list. I prefer not to call it a "bucket list." It seems to me that bucket lists are created when we are older; when we look back upon our lives ponderously and think of all of the things we wanted to do, but didn't. I'm trying to be preemptive with my list of goals by establishing them before I reach the last inning of the game. So let's get on with it...(in no particular order)...

Set foot on all 7 continents. 

Travel to / work / volunteer on a coffee plantation (preferably in a far away land, i.e. Columbia, Sumatra etc).

Learn how to blow glass.

Eat (mostly) all raw & organic foods.  

Be independent from the medical & pharmaceutical world.

Participate in a distance bike ride, such as the SMART Ride (Miami to Key West).

Get a dog.

Get a toned physique. Aka: More muscles, less jiggle.

Get a full sleeve of tattoos (sorry Mom & Dad).

Always be able to support myself: Physically, emotionally & financially.

See a blue whale (the largest mammal on the face of the planet!!!). Chile's Tantauco Park might be the place.

Ensure that all of the above goals are achieved, and continuing (numbers 4, 5, & 10), by age 50.

And there you have it. Adding to this list is allowed but no deleting!

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